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In the News

Two Students Celebrated at Northern Kentucky University Celebration

Two Students Celebrated at Northern Kentucky University Celebration Two students complete the Supported Higher Education Program at Northern Kentucky University. Congratulations to Tara McGrath and Michael Bushman! Tara has taken classes across multiple disciplines, including Education, Theatre, English, Business, and more. In this picture is Tara (far right) and her peer mentor Kayla Rich during…

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Owensboro CTP Graduates First Students

Owensboro CTP Graduates First Students Gavin Basham and Amie Morris are trailblazers in the CLS Program. Owensboro Community and Technical College (OCTC) graduated its first two students this spring from the Career and Life Skills certificate program: Gavin Basham and Amie Morris. The Career and Life Skills certificate is designed to improve employment options through…

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University of Kentucky Celebrates Students

University of Kentucky College and Career Studies Program Celebrates Students The Human Development Institute at the University of Kentucky recognized the following Kentucky Supported Higher Education Partnership (KSHEP) students for their achievements in a ceremony on May 2, 2024: Completion of College and Career Studies program at the University of Kentucky Sara Jones (primary focus…

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The Kentucky Supported Higher Education Partnership (KSHEP) is a network of Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) across the state offering inclusive higher education programs for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, such as Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary (CTP) programs.

CTPs support students with intellectual disabilities (ID) who want to continue academic or career and technical instruction at an IHE in order to better prepare for competitive integrated employment and independent living.

About the KSHEP-TAC

KSHEP-TAC refers to the statewide technical assistance center for supported higher education in Kentucky. KSHEP-TAC is a project of the Human Development Institute (HDI) at the University of Kentucky (UK). In that role, HDI provides technical assistance and support to colleges and universities that have established, or may be interested in establishing inclusive higher education programs for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, such as Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary (CTP) programs.

Students with intellectual disabilities (ID) are significantly underrepresented in higher education.


In Kentucky, only 18% of students with disabilities (across disability categories) were enrolled at a college or university in the year following their exit from high school.


Only 6% of students with ID were enrolled at a college or university in the year following their exit from high school.

Kentucky Post-School Outcomes Center (KYPSO), Youth-One-Year-Out (YOYO), 2022

KSHEP works to increase higher education options, access, and success for Kentucky students with intellectual & developmental disabilities.