Will CCS students have one-on-one support at all times while on campus? 

A: We cannot ensure that a program support person or peer mentor will be with a CCS student at all times while on campus. Part of the college experience is gaining more autonomy and independence and learning new things. However, we work with each student to make sure they have the support they need to navigate campus and course work.   

At the beginning of a new student’s time on campus, we try to arrange extra support as they get to know their routes, classes, and expectations. Once these become more familiar, students generally become comfortable doing more things on their own.   

We stay in close contact with students, whether in person or by phone or text. It is expected that CCS students be able to use a cell phone in order to communicate with us, as needed.  

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What kind of academic supports can CCS students request? 

A: Courses are selected through a person-centered process with the support of a full-time Program Coordinator, who is available to the student and faculty. The Program Coordinator maintains contact with students throughout their two-year program, from application to completion.   

For audited classes, course materials and assignments may be modified to align with students’ learning styles and goals. Learning Agreements are developed in collaboration between students, faculty, and the Program Coordinator.  

Course syllabi and assignments are not modified for students taking courses for credit.  

Program support staff can also help students with assignments and help connect them with existing campus resources such as tutoring, career exploration, and writing help.   In addition to the supports described above, students can request accommodations through the Disability Resource Center. Program staff assist students with this process, as needed, at the beginning of the program, and at the beginning of each academic year. 

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What is the cost of tuition for the CCS program? 

A: The cost of tuition is the same for CCS students as for any other UK students. Since the program is designed to be part-time (averaging about 6 credit hours per semester), the tuition may be calculated per credit hour rather than by full-time status. You can look up tuition information here: https://www.uky.edu/studentaccount/tuition   

Further questions about tuition can be directed to Student Account Services. 

Phone: (859) 257-3406 Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Fax: (859) 257-9590 E-mail: studentaccts@lsv.uky.edu 

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Are students admitted into this program eligible to apply for financial aid? 

A: Yes. Students in the CCS Program can access federal financial aid for which they qualify (such as Pell grants and work-study grants), as well as state financial aid from the Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship (KEES), Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship, and College Access Program grant programs, if eligible. Students and families can contact the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA) at (800) 928-8926 or visit kheaa.com for help with the financial aid process. 

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Is CCS a degree program or a non-degree program?  

A: The CCS Program is a non-degree program. While the program does not result in a university degree or specific career certification, it supports students to take classes, explore career options, and engage in campus activities. Successful completion of this program results in a meaningful credential that reflects these activities and accomplishments.   

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How is “intellectual disability” defined in relation to the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008?   

“Student with an intellectual disability means a student –   

(1) With a cognitive impairment characterized by significant limitations in –   

(i)     Intellectual and cognitive functioning; and   

(ii)    Adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills; and   

(2) Who is currently, or was formerly, eligible for special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (20 U.S.C. 1401), including a student who was determined eligible for special education or related services under the IDEA but was home-schooled or attended private school.”   

[Source link: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-34/subtitle-B/chapter-VI/part-668/subpart-O/section-668.231]    This resource from Think College may also be useful in determining eligibility: https://thinkcollege.net/resource/admissions-ctp-application-process-program-development/defining-and-documenting

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