June 2024 Newsletter

June 2024 Newsletter

Students from around the Commonwealth are celebrated for completing Comprehensive transition programs. Congratulations to everyone!

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Program Spotlight: University of Kentucky College and Career Studies Program

Program Spotlight: University of Kentucky College and Career Studies Program

Fall 2023 Semester Highlights

Career Exploration and Community Engagement

5 students are also working toward an undergraduate certificate in Universal Design.

During the semester, practicum students explored their career interests by engaging in campus and community activities.

Highview Arts Center | Theater Focus

Justin helped the team at Highview Arts Center prepare for a sensory-friendly performance of their production of A Christmas Carol. He researched and shared information with them and also helped set up an area where attendees could go take a break during the show when needed. It was a HUGE success. Read more about Highview

Lexington Writer’s Room | Literary Focus

Will spent time learning about local and regional writing communities, and ways to connect with them. He focused on the design of both the physical spaces and also events and processes related to the literary community. He developed his own writing process and also connected with other writers to think about how he might engage more in the future. Read more about Lexington Writer’s Room

Early Childhood Lab | Dance & Movement Focus

Kate worked alongside another UK student, Kendall (a senior and dance major) to bring dance and movement activities to UK’s Early Childhood Lab. They presented dance activities weekly to the kids and took data on which activities were best received, and notes about how to ensure that the activities and spaces were well designed for all involved. Read more about the Early Childhood Lab

Community Spotlight Podcast | Highlighting campus and community events

Callie and Sara worked together to create a new podcast called Community Spotlight, which highlights things of interest on campus and in the community. The podcast was a great way to learn about different things happening in the community, and to make some connections with people and places of interest. Community Spotlight will also continue into future semesters with other students.

You can check out the podcast here: https://hdikshep.podbean.com/

University of Kentucky College and Career Studies students launch new podcast: Community Spotlight

University of Kentucky College and Career Studies students launch new podcast: Community Spotlight

Community Spotlight is a podcast highlighting different things on campus and in the community. It was started by Callie and Sara, two students in the College and Career Studies program at the University of Kentucky. Students explore campus or community events, resources, or activities each week and then work together to create a podcast episode featuring a chosen Community Spotlight.

Listen to the Community Spotlight Podcast.

Callie and Sara sit together, surrounded by a computer monitor with a paper-like sunburst behind them.