Inclusive Higher Education Timeline

Inclusive Higher Education Timeline

Kentucky has a rich history in its commitment to inclusive spaces in post-secondary education. Over the last twenty years, multiple projects and initiatives have supported students with developmental disabilities as they engage in post-secondary education. The timeline below highlights some of the work that has gone into supporting students with their educational goals.


Postsecondary Opportunities Workgroup
(POW) is launched by families, young adults with intellectual disabilities, and Kentucky organizations.


Postsecondary Inclusion Partnership
PIP begins a three-year grant funded by the Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities.


The University of Kentucky Human Development Institute is awarded a five-year $2.1 million federal grant Supported Higher Education Project, SHEP.


A pilot between SHEP and the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation provides support services on college campuses around Kentucky.


SHEP staff and students with intellectual disabilities present to the Kentucky Legislative Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education.

A group from Murray State University, led by a parent advocate, expresses interest in starting a program on campus.

Representative Carl Rollins attends the POW meeting and hears concerns that SHEP students cannot utilize Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship Program money.


Kentucky’s first U.S. Department of Education approved Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary (CTP) program was established at Murray State University.

Kentucky Legislature unanimously passes a bill to allow students with alternate diplomas to access their KEES money.


Bluegrass Community & Technical College Comprehensive Transition Program (CTP) program approved.

SHEP, POW, and stakeholders explore expansion and sustainability options.

Spalding University Comprehensive Transition Program (CTP) program approved.


Northern Kentucky University Comprehensive Transition Program (CTP) program approved.


Partnerships in Employment State Systems Change grant.

Legislative action to increase KEES funding available to students with intellectual disabilities enrolled in Kentucky CTP programs.


Inclusive Higher Education Webinar series.


Kentucky State Budget addresses Supported Higher Education.


Kentucky Supported Higher Education Partnership.


University of Kentucky Comprehensive Transition Program (CTP) program approved.

Legislative action expands the Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship to include students with ID enrolled in Kentucky CTP programs.


Owensboro Community and Technical College Comprehensive Transition Program (CTP) program approved.


Western Kentucky University Comprehensive Transition program approved.

OCTC offering program to support students with intellectual disabilities wanting to attend college

OCTC offering program to support students with intellectual disabilities wanting to attend college

Read the original article in the Owensboro Times

Owensboro Times
Home studio podcast interior. Microphone, laptop and on air lamp on the table, close-up

Inclusive Higher Education featured on The State of HDI Podcast

The State of HDI is a podcast exploring initiatives and projects of the University of Kentucky Human Development Institute (HDI).  

In Episode 1, Johnny Collett (HDI Deputy Director) and Erin Fitzgerald (CTP Coordinator) discuss inclusive higher education programs that support students with education and career goals.